The WordPress plugin TWINT for WooCommerce adds the mobile payment method TWINT to your online shop and lets customers pay for orders using their smartphones.

Order and print parcel labels from the Swiss Post directly from within WordPress by using the integrated editor. The WooCommerce integration allows you to automatically copy address data from WooCommerce orders. Includes shipment tracking and templates for frequently used products.

With the QR-bill payment method, payment slip PDFs are automatically created and attached to WooCommerce customer emails. In the background, the plugin periodically checks for account postings to your own bank account in order to automatically update the payment status of QR-bills and linked WooCommerce orders. Optionally with TWINT integration to pay QR-bills via TWINT app.

The plugin datatrans for WooCommerce connects your online shop with the Swiss e-payment provider datatrans and adds 30 different payment methods to your online shop.

Shipment tracking for Swiss Post parcels and registered letters. In addition to a detailed listing of the events of a shipment, actions can be defined to react to shipment events. For example, the status of an order can be changed or an email can be sent when a package arrives at the customer.

The integrated editor allows you to create Swiss Post stamps from within WordPress without logging into your WebStamp account. The WooCommerce integration automatically copies address data from WooCommerce orders.

Connect your WooCommerce shop with the payment services of SIX and add over 20 different payment methods to the checkout. Compatible with Saferpay e-Commerce and Business accounts.